[狀態更好] 高峰低谷Flow

Objective 觀察現況
1. 昨天剛學完焦點討論法 (ORID),尤其是Reflective的高峰低谷,今天又剛巧看到Daniel Pink的newsletter 推薦The Good Time Journal
2. 認識 "How to Design Your Life""相關內容
2. 看到Farnam Street的Mental Model: Bias from Insensitivity to Sample Size
3. 重溫Survivla analysis的一些基本概念

Reflective 說出感覺

1. 處理工作sample size problem(10:00-10:30; 11:30-12:00)
2. 寫《麥肯錫的筆記術:頂尖顧問的思考.書寫技巧》閱書筆記(12:00-13:00)

低谷:不想面對工作(15:30-16:20) 累


Interpretive 找出意義
1. 重溫Survivla analysis的一些基本概念
2. 將人生看成設計產品,用"原型設計"概念,先不怕失敗,作多番嘗試

Decisional 採取行動
打算與人分享 How to Design a Life of Your Choice: 13 Steps | wikiHow. Like the funny and inspiring pictues


1. Daniel Pink | NYT and WSJ Bestselling Author of Drive

2. Farnam Street Brain Food | Another idea-driven newsletter that will make you think.

3. The Good Time Journal | Free PDF for you to catch the act of having a good time. You log your primary activities during each day. Then you rate how engaged and energized — high, low, or in between — you were by those activities and whether you reached a state of flow. Do it every day for a couple of weeks and you’ll see patterns you never realized.

4. Stanford Design Program ME104B | Designing Your Life | The Stanford course related to the book "How to Design Your Life"

5. 5 Steps To Help You To Design Your Life | Introduction to the book "How to Design Your Life"

6. How to Design a Life of Your Choice: 13 Steps | wikiHow. Like the funny and inspiring pictues